Saturday, January 30, 2010


I guess it's obvious that I've been at this for a while and yes, it's true.  It's been so long now that alumni from the FSPA are now coming back to see and work with me.  Let's face it, it doesn't get any better than this!
With that in mind, please look over Casey and Erin's contributions to the Arts Blog. Thanks girls, it was great seeing you again.

Friday, January 29, 2010


Recently I was contacted by a company member of NB2 regarding dance photography. We all worked together for several hours and I'm still not quite sure where the time went! Anyway, we covered a lot of needed shots for their portfolios but the girls were also kind enough to grant me a little extra time and the following images are a small sample of the results. Thanks ladies, it was a great evening for me and the arts as well.